Defined Contribution (DC) Plans

Employees Aren’t Saving. What’s a Plan Sponsor to Do?


Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. This is not a news flash. In fact, almost every day I see a new headline pointing out the problem. While their angles vary (I remain unsold on the fact that avocado toast is the culprit), […]

4 Tips to Improve Your Employees' Retirement Security

4 Tips to Increase Your Employees’ Retirement Security

Wondering why your communication isn’t more effective in helping workers make better financial decisions? Or what you can do differently to encourage employees to improve their retirement security? This National Employee Benefits Day—celebrated on April 2, 2018—we are encouraging plan sponsors to […]

Part Time With Benefits—Who Offers What?

Part-Time With Benefits—Who Offers What?

Justin Held, CEBS

One of the most valued services of Foundation membership is access to our Ask a Benefits Expert service. Members are able to submit questions to our dedicated information specialists, who comb through vast resources to find the most useful information. While reviewing […]

Employee Benefit To-Dos, After I Do

Employee Benefit To-Dos, After I Do: Post-Wedding Checklist

Justin Held, CEBS

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something . . . that I know we’re going to forget! Checklists upon checklists accompany the big day, and I can relate. So can my colleague, Anne Patterson, here at the International Foundation—We both got hitched […]

Talking Benefits Episode 5: Washington Strikes Again

It’s May 4th and, to some, it just means you’re one day closer to the weekend. But for Star Wars fans like Talking Benefits host, Julie Stich, add one little preposition to that date and it becomes an unofficial, international holiday. May […]

Report Highlights Multiemployer Defined Benefit Plans Successes and Challenges

For the fourth year, the International Foundation and Horizon Actuarial Services have partnered together to release an annual report analyzing key trends in demographics, cash flows and investments for multiemployer defined benefit and defined contribution plans. Released today, this latest report Multiemployer […]

Trump + Employee Benefits: Washington Insiders Tell All

Anne Patterson

What do the election results mean for employer-sponsored benefits? Which campaign promises will come into play and how? These pressing questions and more were answered during the International Foundation webcast Inside the New Administration & Congress: What’s Next? The webcast featured three […]

Decumulation: Cracking the Retirement Nest Egg

Pat Bonner, Ph.D., CEBS

In the early years of the shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC) plans, most attention was directed at saving for retirement. Today, there is a growing realization that more consideration must be given to decumulation—account withdrawals after retirement. For […]