Coronavirus in the Workplace: Legislation and Regulations Affecting Canadian Employers

Coronavirus in the Workplace: Legislation and Regulations Affecting Canadian Employers

Amanda Wilke, CEBS

As of March 27, 2020, the federal government and five provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Saskatchewan) have issued bills and regulations related to Coronavirus (COVID-19). The bills and regulations provide support to businesses and employees, from financial assistance to […]

More COVID-19 Relief Via the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act CARES Act

More COVID-19 Relief via the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

Kelli Kolsrud, CEBS

The third law aimed at providing relief to those affected by the coronavirus was signed into law on March 27, 2020. The $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) offers a wide variety of assistance to businesses and […]

COVID-19: Don’t Forget Your EAP

COVID-19: Don’t Forget Your EAP

Julie Stich, CEBS

Listen to this content here. Self-quarantine. Shelter in place. Safe at home. Social distancing. Asymptomatic carrier. Novel coronavirus. New phrases that have become an everyday part of our lexicon. We’re standing at least six feet away from people. Working virtually. Avoiding face-to-face […]

CoronavirusRegulatory Considerations for Employers

Coronavirus in the Workplace: Regulatory Considerations for U.S. Employers

Kathy Bergstrom, CEBS

Do your coronavirus policies and practices comply with federal laws covering the workplace and employee benefits? During their March 18 webcast, “Coronavirus in the Workplace: U.S. Regulatory Considerations,” Carrie B. Cherveny, Esq. senior vice president of strategic client solutions at HUB International, […]