Talking Benefits Podcast

Talking Benefits Episode 9: When Disaster Strikes

As we watch the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and brace for Hurricane Irma, our perspective shifts. The struggles of those in the paths of the storms are immense, and many may need help that falls outside the scope of the benefit plan […]

Talking Benefits Episode 8: The Storm Before the Calm

Talking Benefits Episode 8: The Storm Before the Calm

Anne Patterson

Forget the cats and dogs—This month it’s been raining new paid family leave laws, fiduciary rule oral arguments, health care reform changes and MPRA approvals! While the International Foundation strives to be a little more accurate than the local weather reporter, we […]

Talking Benefits Episode 6: The Plot Thickens

Catching up on the latest employee benefits updates—Are they are light read or a page turner? Looking back on the developments over the last month, you’ll likely go with the latter. Dive into the newest episode of the Talking Benefits podcast. This […]

Talking Benefits Episode 5: Washington Strikes Again

It’s May 4th and, to some, it just means you’re one day closer to the weekend. But for Star Wars fans like Talking Benefits host, Julie Stich, add one little preposition to that date and it becomes an unofficial, international holiday. May […]

Talking Benefits Episode 4: Benefits Curveballs

Spring is in the air. Birds singing, temperatures rising, baseball season in full swing . . . and a whole new crop of benefits developments have been popping up. International Foundation resident benefits gurus Julie, Kelli and Justin are back to talk […]

Talking Benefits Episode 3: It’s Complicated

The past few weeks have delivered a few more hints on how benefit plans may be impacted by developments in Washington. Despite the fog, one thing is clear—Changing benefits-related laws and regulations is quite complicated. In this month’s Talking Benefits podcast episode, […]

Talking Benefits—Legislative Limbo

Naturally, we love to talk benefits here at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. So when a couple of our resident benefits gurus started presenting a monthly benefits update for staff, the word got out. Each month, the audience (a.k.a. staffers […]