Talking Benefits Podcast

New Talking Benefits Episode: Apprenticeship 101

Anne Patterson

Registered apprenticeships have played an essential role in the development of a highly trained workforce. These structured training programs combine on-the-job training with extensive technical instruction in a highly skilled occupation and are always evolving. In this Talking Benefits podcast episode, we […]

Mental Health for Essential Workers: Best Practices From an LA Fire Captain

Mental Health for Essential Workers: Best Practices From an LA Fire Captain

Anne Patterson

If you’re a regular Talking Benefits listener, you know we’ve frequently covered the topic of mental well-being. This is because of the significant impact this issue has throughout our country and, in turn, throughout our workplaces and employee benefit plans. Mental health […]

COVID-19: How Do We Navigate Work Through the Pandemic in 2021?

COVID-19: How Do We Navigate Work Through the Pandemic in 2021?

Anne Patterson

Welcome to our first Talking Benefits episode of 2021! My fellow “pod squad” members Justin Held, Julie Stich and I engaged in more COVID-19 chatter during the most recent podcast episode. In this discussion, we focused on four main areas. 1. Benefits […]