Employee Benefits Survey

Life Skills Initiatives in Apprenticeship Training

Justin Held, CEBS

The International Foundation has surveyed apprenticeship stakeholders across the U.S. and Canada since 2010, gathering insights on a number of trends impacting their plans, including program challenges, apprentice challenges, recruitment and retention initiatives, communication strategies, instructor quality initiatives, and life skills initiatives. […]

Five Challenges Paid Time Off Could Help Solve

Anne Newhouse, CEBS

In 2022, employees expect their benefits to address flexibility as much as they expect health and retirement benefits. Many employers are starting to realize that flexibility will affect the future of their workforce, prompting them to consider incorporating remote and hybrid work […]

96% of Workers Are Stressed: How Employers Can Help

Cara McMullin

April is Stress Awareness Month. As the pandemic continues and employers report high levels of stress in the workforce, the International Foundation’s Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits survey report reveals informative data on challenges and solutions facing organizations across the […]

National Employee Benefits Day: Your Benefits, Reimagined.

Anne Patterson

The past two years have altered the workforce like never before. From the increase in remote work to the “Great Resignation,” you and your organization’s benefit plans have been shining in the spotlight.   It’s National Employee Benefits Day! The International Foundation […]

Benefits Madness: The Champion

Anne Patterson

Thanks for sticking with us throughout Benefits Madness! Your votes determined the 2022 Champion: Remote work/telecommuting. The pandemic offered a forced experiment of sorts with remote/hybrid work and it looks like it’s here to stay (in some capacity!) The final four innovative […]

International Foundation Survey Research Studies: Benchmarking Stats You Can Use

Justin Held, CEBS

Those working in the employee benefits industry are facing a landscape that changes daily. The International Foundation’s research team takes trending topics, from paid leave to financial education and mental health, and provides in-depth coverage of employer responses through survey reports. The […]

Mental Health and COVID-19 Challenges in Apprenticeship Programs – New Survey Reveals Issues and Solutions

Cara McMullin

Apprenticeships play an essential role in the development of a highly trained workforce. Today, apprenticeship programs face new challenges while building on their successes, according to recent survey results from the International Foundation. The 2022 report Top Trends in Apprenticeship Programs reveals […]