It’s May 4th and, to some, it just means you’re one day closer to the weekend. But for Star Wars fans like Talking Benefits host, Julie Stich, add one little preposition to that date and it becomes an unofficial, international holiday. May the Fourth be with you!

So join us on a journey to a galaxy, far, far away (or close by, depending on where you’re listening) . . . As we hear about the latest benefits-related battles going on in Washington, D.C..

Talking Benefits Episode 5: Washington Strikes Again

This month’s show—Episode 5: Washington Strikes Again
(Length: 24:17)

Impossible to see, the future is. But Julie, Kelli and Justin provide insights on what the future might bring as they discuss the latest developments:

  • Recap of MPRA and paid leave activity
  • American Health Care Act—The vote. What’s next?
  • Legislative Process 101—Julie explains how a bill becomes a law
  • Insurance industry and exchanges and cost-sharing subsidies
  • Confirmation of Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta—review of his likely agenda and actions including Fiduciary Rule, PBGC and DOL Overtime Rule
  • Tax Reform impact on retirement plans—401(k) contribution deductions.

Resources mentioned in this episode
Benefits Transition Tracker
Fraud Prevention Institute for Employee Benefit Plans
Trump’s 100-Day Look Back: Labor and Employment Law Update

Bonus segment! We asked International Foundation staff to step up to the mic with their best Star Wars character impersonations. You’ll hear them throughout the episode and in a few out-takes at the very end.

Fun with sabers in the recording studio.
Staffer Travis going to the dark side.









Podcast editor Amanda channeling her inner Leia.
Floyd and Will (dog and son of staffer Denise) posing as Chewie and Han.

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Ann Godsell, CEBS
Social Business Strategist at the International Foundation


Social Business Strategist at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation service/product: Face to face conferences.

Benefit topics that grab her: Benefit communication, preventive health, health care cost management, workflex

Favorite Foundation conference moments: Meeting Dr. Andrew Weil at the Annual Employee Benefits Conference was a cherished opportunity. She also loves the times when she and a member recognize each other at a conference because of interacting on Twitter!

Personal Insight: Known around the office as “appropriately paranoid,” Ann is usually prepared for a variety of potential outcomes in most every situation.

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