We welcome the new year with a fresh episode of the Talking Benefits podcast. We have the latest benefits updates and some exciting news of our own. Be sure to listen to the end!

Talking Benefits Episode 13: New Year, New Direction

This month’s show—Episode 13: New Year, New Direction
(Recorded January 18, 2018, 10:00 a.m. CST)

Start off the year in the know on the latest benefits developments. Justin, Julie and Kelli ring in the new year with updates on:

  • Tax Reform—How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could impact benefits
  • ACA—Individual mandate penalty repeal, 1095 form deadline extension
  • Association health plans (AHPs)—New DOL regulations
  • MPRAUpdate on applications, Butch-Lewis Act

Resources related to this episode:

How Tax Reform Could Impact Employee Benefits
ACA University
MPRA Resources
Benefits Transition Tracker
Word on Benefits Blog
Today’s Headlines
Regulatory Updates

Don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe to Talking Benefits on iTunes, Stitcher or your favorite podcast app for automatic updates as new episodes are released, or watch for new episodes on the International Foundation website.

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Director, Social Media and Content Marketing at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation service/product:
Face to face conferences.

Benefit topics that grab her: Benefit communication, preventive health, health care cost management, workflex

Favorite Foundation conference moments: Meeting Dr. Andrew Weil at the Annual Employee Benefits Conference was a cherished opportunity. She also loves the times when she and a member recognize each other at a conference because of interacting on Twitter!

Personal Insight: Known around the office as “appropriately paranoid,” Ann is usually prepared for a variety of potential outcomes in most every situation.

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