Happy National Employee Benefits Day

Today, April 2, 2020, is National Employee Benefits Day.

First celebrated in 2004, Employee Benefits Day has always been a time to recognize trustees, administrators, benefits practitioners and professional advisors for your dedication to providing quality benefits and the important role you play in your colleagues’ well-being.

Happy National Employee Benefits Day

This year, we find ourselves in a situation where the coronavirus pandemic is reshaping our world. The past few weeks have brought stress and uncertainty as we have adapted to the changes.

As someone who works in employee benefits, you have no doubt been filled with concern for your plan participants. Because you? You’re doing what you always do—putting the well-being of your employees as a top priority.

This isn’t your first crisis (and probably won’t be your last), and while this is certainly unlike anything you’ve experienced before, you will get through it. 

You’re making informed choices every step of the way because that’s what employee benefits professionals do. You’re working tirelessly to ensure that the health and safety of your workers comes first, all while making decisions that ensure your organization can continue to thrive.

[Free Webcast Today: Benefits Together: Perspectives on Pandemic Response | April 2, 2020 | 3:00 p.m. ET ]

All of us here at the International Foundation salute your hard work! We hope you will take a moment to pat yourself and your team on the back. You truly make a difference in the lives of your plan participants and their families. And that’s a big deal.

The International Foundation had a free webcast planned for April 2, and while that is still happening we’ve adjusted the topic to address how the coronavirus is impacting the workplace.

Join us at 3:00 ET today for a webcast titled: Benefits Together: Perspectives on Pandemic Response. You’ll hear how three different organizations have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing their workers’ needs during these times of uncertainty.

The International Foundation has also developed a Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources page where you can find the latest guidance to help your organization navigate the pandemic.

Remember—all you trustees, administrators, benefits practitioners and professional advisors out there—you’re doing great work. The International Foundation is prouder than ever to be a home to the more than 30,000 of you who call yourselves members.

We hope you’ll take some time today to recognize all your hard work. It’s well deserved.

Coronavirus Resources

Coronavirus and the Workplace

Learn more:

Share your story! Tell us how how the coronavirus has impacted your organization, how you’re communicating with workers, the biggest challenges you’re facing, or the lessons that you’ve learned. Share here.

Brenda Hofmann
Communications Manager at the International Foundation

The latest from Word on Benefits:


Communications Manager at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation Product: The Word on Benefits Blog

Benefits-Related Topics That Grab Her Attention: Wellness, work/life balance, retirement security, parental leave policies and unique and trending perks.​

Favorite Foundation Event:The day we wait all year forNational Employee Benefits Day!

Personal Insight: Brenda goes with the flow and this approach to life puts everyone around her at ease. Brenda enjoys the mix of roles she plays from communications pro to mom and wife.

1 Comment

  1. Janice Scherwitz

    Not going to lie – despite everything I was looking forward to the annual laugh I get every year from the nonsensical list IFEBP publishes that only us “benefits nerds” truly get. Happy National Employee Benefits Day everyone.

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