Top 40 Wellness Offerings to Make Work a Better Place

Happy January. The gym is jammed. Self-improvement goals are abundant. #Mindfulness is trending on Twitter. People are motivated to make improvements in their lives. It’s a perfect time to try something new with your workplace wellness program.

Top 40 Wellness Offerings to Make Work a Better Place

Below are the top 40 wellness offerings organizations are using to make their workplace an environment that fosters employee well-being, as reported in the new Workplace Wellness Trends 2019 Survey Report. Dial into these trends and increase your chances of having a work environment that impacts employee well-being throughout the year!

Offerings are listed in popularity order in each section—The percentage of organizations that offer each is noted.

Physical Wellness Initiatives: Nourish the body with fitness and nutrition offerings

  • Standing or walking workstations (61%)
  • Wellness competitions such as walking or fitness challenges (47%)
  • Ergonomic training or workstations (46%)
  • On-site fitness center or equipment (41%)
  • Activity and exercise breaks encouraged during work time (40%)
  • Healthy food choices in the cafeteria or vending machines (37%)
  • Health coaching (37%)
  • Weight loss/management program (on-site or subsidized) (36%)
  • On-site walking paths (33%)
  • On-site exercise classes (yoga, tai chi, aerobics, etc.) (32%)
  • Nutrition counseling (30%)
  • Massages (27%)
  • Wellness/engagement-related worksite design changes (natural lighting, collaborative spaces, open stairwells, etc.) (26%)
Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference

Professional Development Wellness Initiatives: Promote work-life balance and employee engagement with these offerings

  • Service recognition (69%)
  • Professional memberships paid for by organization (65%)
  • All staff are notified of internal job openings, and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply (61%)
  • Flexible work arrangements (58%)
  • Lunch and learns (57%)
  • Subsidized professional development (55%)
  • Performance reviews tied to organizational mission (55%)
  • Vacation and time off are encouraged (54%)
  • Transfers are encouraged when internal opportunities better fit worker interests (53%)
  • Subsidized continuing education for designations (49%)
  • Manager training (48%)
  • Leadership opportunities outside job hierarchy structure via teams, committees or councils (38%)
  • Mentorship program (35)
  • Transportation/parking subsidy (25%)

Social Wellness Initiatives: Do some good and have a little fun with these ideas

  • On-site events/celebrations (79%)
  • Community charity drives and events (62%)
  • Community volunteer projects (55%)
  • Staff outings (55%)
  • Blood drives (47%)
  • Team-building activities (46%)
  • Cultural/diversity initiatives or training (37%)
  • Paid time off for volunteer activities (35%)
  • Matching gift/matching donation (29%)
  • Employer-sponsored sports teams (25%)
  • Themed dress-up days (25%)
  • Happy hours (20%)
  • Game leagues (bridge, chess, fantasy sports leagues, etc.) (15%)
Workplace Wellness Trends

View the full Workplace Wellness Trends report to learn more about the prevalence of these workplace wellness offerings, how they are communicated and more.

Cheers to a new year and a happy, healthy workplace!

Ann Godsell, CEBS
Director, Professional Development Marketing at the International Foundation

The latest from Word on Benefits:


Director, Professional Development Marketing at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation Product: Face to face conferences. Benefit Topics That Grab Her: Benefit communication, preventive health, health care cost management, workflex Favorite Foundation Conference Moments: Meeting Dr. Andrew Weil at the Annual Employee Benefits Conference was a cherished opportunity. She also loves the times when she and a member recognized each other at a conference because of interacting on Twitter! Personal Insight: Known around the office as “appropriately paranoid,” Ann is usually prepared for a variety of potential outcomes in most every situation.

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