Two Paths to Reporting CEBS Compliance Credits

It’s been a while since I earned my Certified Employee Benefit Specialist® (CEBS®) designation, so when it comes to staying CEBS Compliant, I’m all in. I want others to know that I keep my benefits knowledge current, year after year.

As with most “paperwork” types of tasks, I used to put off entering my credit hours. That is, until I got a grip on the easy ways to report my credits. Below, I share two easy ways to enter credits and a bonus tip for getting even more glory for your CEBS Compliance status!

Two Paths to Reporting CEBS Compliance Credits

CEBS graduates are considered “CEBS Compliant” by the earning and documenting of 30 credit hours every two years. You likely complete more than enough educational activities each year to remain CEBS Compliant—Why not get recognized for it? The documenting is easy! Here are three approaches to tackling the task.

Path 1: Simple Self-Reporting

Enter each eligible educational activity completed since January 1, 2019. This is best done as you complete activities.

How to enter your credits manually:

  1. Go to and log in
  2. Click the big orange button, “Manage Your CEBS Compliance Credits”
  3. Enter each activity, select the sponsoring organization, fill in the title and date of the activity, select a content domain and document the number of hours
  4. Click “Add Activity”
  5. Repeat for each qualifying educational activity you complete.

How to pull together your list of past activities:

If you find yourself with a backlog of credit entry, take a few minutes to get caught up. Here are some tips to documenting your past activities:

  1. Log in to and click on “educational records” to view a full list of International Foundation and ISCEBS conferences, webcasts and courses you’ve completed
  2. Search your calendar to find ISCEBS chapter events or webcasts you’ve attended
  3. Enter each event, using the manual entry steps above.

[Related Reading: 25 Reasons to Earn Your CEBS—Straight From Your Peers]

Path 2: Automatic Credit Entry

Among the many benefits of achieving ISCEBS Fellow status is the fact that Fellows are automatically CEBS Compliant for one or two years, depending on your route to Fellow:

  1. Complete both the health and the retirement tracks of the ISCEBS Fellow Exam and you’ll be a ISCEBS-Fellow and CEBS Compliant for two years. Complete either the health or the retirement track of the Fellow Exam and you will be a Fellow and CEBS Compliant for one year.
  2. Complete a CEBS new curriculum course that you have not previously taken to earn two years of Fellow and two years of CEBS Compliance.

International Foundation e-learning courses also offer automatic credit entry. Your Compliance credits are automatically reported to your record when you pass the course exam. (Compliance credits vary, depending on the length of course completed.)

Bonus tip! Make sure you claim your CEBS Compliance digital badge to add to your signature line and your LinkedIn profile. Digital badges are a great way to show your accomplishments in a verifiable way. Learn more about how to claim your badges here.

Ann Godsell, CEBS
Director, Professional Development Marketing at the International Foundation


Related on Word on Benefits:


Director, Professional Development Marketing at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation Product: Face to face conferences. Benefit Topics That Grab Her: Benefit communication, preventive health, health care cost management, workflex Favorite Foundation Conference Moments: Meeting Dr. Andrew Weil at the Annual Employee Benefits Conference was a cherished opportunity. She also loves the times when she and a member recognized each other at a conference because of interacting on Twitter! Personal Insight: Known around the office as “appropriately paranoid,” Ann is usually prepared for a variety of potential outcomes in most every situation.

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