As a new year approaches, it’s the perfect time to take inventory of your goals and set a course for your professional development. This is the year you resolve to begin something completely new. As a benefits professional, now is the time to grow what you know and refresh your resume with the CEBS designation. Take some time now at the end of 2020 to reflect on the reasons why you want to learn new knowledge and skills. We know you’ll walk away inspired to reach your goals!

We recently surveyed holders of the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist® (CEBS®) designation. Below is a little extra motivation from other benefits professionals on how earning the CEBS designation has helped them the most.

“CEBS helps me understand employer and employee relationships as well as how group benefits and retirement work together to attract and retain employees.”
Edizon Hernaez, CEBS, Pension Administrator, Employee Benefit Plan Services Limited under the McAteer Group of Companies

“Earning my CEBS has increased my ability to understand and administrate different plans that I have worked with previously. I have also gained the confidence and ability to improve upon my interview skills and salary negotiations.”
Stacy Collins, CEBS, HR Generalist, Lewis Management Corp.
“Attainment of my CEBS designation has allowed me to strengthen my position as a leader and validate the respect that I receive from my peers.”
Jonathan Seah, CEBS, HEB Manitoba

“Earning my CEBS designation has given me a sense of pride completing something I worked toward for over five years. I also have a newfound sense of respect from my colleagues.”
Natasha Norbjerg, CEBS, Senior Client Representative, HUB International Insurance Brokers

“I believe CEBS provided me with a well-rounded, comprehensive education that I have been able to utilize in my career.”
Diana Likes, CEBS, HR Professional, Agemark Senior Living

“Earning my CEBS has earned me respect among industry professionals and helped me excel in my current position.”
Travis Johns, CEBS, Senior Director, Client Solutions and Team Lead, Employers Health

“I have been able to learn new skills that I can easily apply in my day to day job and draw on the knowledge I’ve learned to apply to many situations I encounter in the workplace.”
Erin Penland, CEBS, Benefits Supervisor, Designer Brands

“CEBS has provided me with a solid knowledge base regarding benefits and has helped me develop my network within the industry.”
Thomas Perkes, CEBS, Director of Business and Benefit Development, Ontario Federation of Agriculture
“CEBS gives me confidence when speaking with brokers about benefits and providing recommendations based on analysis.
Jenna Kennedy, CEBS, Senior Account Manager, Cumis Services Incorporated

“I value the resources available as an ISCEBS member, the networking with other benefit professionals and the enjoyment of connections made with others who share your same passion. Obtaining the CEBS designation and being part of an elite group of benefit professionals has been a huge accomplishment for me and continues to be valuable for me in my career.”
Teena Kissler, CEBS, Benefit Manager, Bryan Health

“CEBS has enabled me to be a part of a professional networking group and earned me promotions and career advancements.”
Fangyu Li, CEBS, Underwriting Director (Enterprise), Group Solutions, People Corporation

“CEBS makes me confident in my knowledge base, which allows greater perspective as a consultant.”
Owen Ralph, CEBS, Account Manager, The PBAS Group

“CEBS provided me with a wealth of knowledge about employee benefit plans when I first started working with a large insurance company.”
Lindsey Tomlin, CEBS, Senior Disability Claims Consultant, Sun Life Financial

“CEBS has given me knowledge and confidence in my field.”
Wendy Tkaczuk, CEBS, Analyst, Total Rewards (Group Benefits), University of Calgary
“Having my CEBS designation shows my employer I can meet a long-term commitment or goal on my own time.”
David Hauptmann, CEBS, Sr. Specialist Employee Benefit Services, NRECA

“Learning the technical content of the CEBS educational material well enough to pass the exams made me a more knowledgeable benefits professional. I believe it’s the gold standard professional designation of this industry . . . It’s what most large employers require of their top benefits leaders.”
Michelle Toney, CEBS, Vice President Employee Benefits, Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits

“CEBS provided me with the foundation to think and act strategically in my role.”
Christina Rayot, CEBS, Human Resources Manager, SFM

“Having my CEBS means being able to distinguish myself from other brokers in the industry due to its competitiveness, and having the added insight and knowledge that the CEBS program has taught me gives me the extra edge.”
Deepak Walia, CEBS, Financial Security Advisor, Freedom 55 Financial

“I am seen as a valuable member to my team and as a consultant to the clients that I manage.”
Jennifer Simonsen, CEBS, Benefits Professional, Selecthealth
“CEBS provided me with credentials to show that I am a subject matter expert.”
Kimberly McLaughlin, CEBS, Position Title, Benefit Solutions

“CEBS has broadened my knowledge base and helped me gain credibility with my clients and colleagues.”
Rachel Swinnen, CEBS, Senior Account Manager, Marsh & McLennan Agency
Are you ready to say goodbye to 2020 and say hello to a bright future! Take charge of your career path with the industry’s most respected credential—the Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation. Register for GBA 1 or RPA 1 before December 31st and enjoy a 21% off discount! Learn more about the special offer for the U.S. program or for the Canadian program.

Christine Vazquez, CEBS, ISCEBS–Fellow
Manager, Professional Development, at the International Foundation
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