The issue of what to do about lost or missing participants is a frustrating one for plan sponsors. These participants often have terminated participation in a plan because they took a new job. They may have even moved. Because these terminated participants […]
Employers providing health care benefits to their employees can choose one of two options: a fully insured health plan or a self-funded health plan. Although there are many similarities between the two, there are striking differences as well—And each approach has its […]
The summer of 2021 is initiating the gradual return to in-workplace business operations. As part of a COVID-19 study from May of 2021, respondents approximated that 55% of their workforces were working remotely. Respondents also noted that they anticipated about 32% of […]
If you are a regular Talking Benefits podcast listener, you know that retirement security is a topic near and dear to the hearts of those working at the International Foundation. In addition, the Foundation has dedicated significant resources to DEI initiatives: educating […]
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) has released an interim final rule that focuses on special financial assistance (SFA) applications and related restrictions and conditions pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Read more about ARPA’s provisions to transfer […]
We know that leaders set the tone from the top. So when it comes to building a culture of empathy, trust and mutual respect, what example is your leadership setting? Research shows there is a connection between empathetic leadership and employee attraction […]
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have shifted their strategic benefit priorities toward workforce and business resilience. This has included adding or expanding employee benefits for remote work and virtual health care. In addition, employers looking to the future […]
As they’re looking ahead to the 2021 annual benefits enrollment, many benefits managers may also be looking back to their experience in 2020 to figure out the best approach. In his article “What 2020 Taught Us About Open Enrollment” in the May […]
Benefits fraud and insurance abuse are not victimless. They are real crimes with real consequences, including plan losses that can result in the reduction or elimination of health care benefits for those who need it most. Employers, plan sponsors and insurers—as noted […]
June 25 is officially National Take Your Dog to Work Day. Admittedly, for the last 15 months, every day has been Take Your Dog to Work Day—actually, Work From Home With Your Dog Day—for many people. But workers may soon have to […]