Anne Newhouse, CEBS

Information/Research Specialist at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Favorite Foundation service/product: The Information Center!  Members having the ability to have an information specialist research their topic is a great benefit. Favorite Foundation conference/event moment: Attending the 2013 CEBS conferment ceremony in Boston as an official CEBS graduate. Benefits related topics that interest her most: Benefit communication—helping employers understand what employees want and the way they want it communicated to them. Personal insight: Anne may spend her days in the International Foundation employee benefits library, patiently researching answers to member questions—but after work, she’s ready to move with a bike, hike or walk in the great outdoors.

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Plan Sponsors Can Self-Correct Some Violations of ERISA—Here’s Where to Start 

Jenny Gartman, CEBS

The Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (VFCP) encourages employers and plan sponsors to voluntarily correct certain violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). For certain categories of eligible transactions, the Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) intends for […]