Employee Benefits Survey

Using Spousal Surcharges and Carve-Outs as Health Cost Management Strategies

Anne Newhouse, CEBS

With open enrollment right around the corner, employers are already contemplating strategies to help lower their health plan costs. Spousal surcharges or carve-outs are two options, but how prevalent are they? Surcharge vs. Carve-Out A spousal surcharge is an additional employee contribution […]

Organizations Adding More Fertility and Adoption Support

Cara McMullin

Fertility and family-planning benefits remain top of mind for many organizations as they evaluate benefit packages for the year ahead. The advantages of these benefits include attracting and retaining key talent; saving on health care costs; matching benefits to diversity, equity and […]

Measuring and Addressing Burnout and Stress in the Workplace

Anne Patterson

According to the International Foundation’s Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits Survey Report, 96% of the workforce is stressed—either somewhat or very. With mostly every worker facing stress at some level, it’s important for plan sponsors/employers to know how to identify […]

Foundation Survey Results–Focus on Mental Health Initiatives in Apprenticeship Programs

Justin Held, CEBS

The International Foundation just released Top Trends in Apprenticeship Programs—2024 Survey Results, the 8th iteration of their apprenticeship program benchmarking survey. In addition to focusing on trends, such as individual and program challenges, life skills, and partnerships, this iteration takes a deep […]