Anne Newhouse, CEBS

Information/Research Specialist at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Favorite Foundation service/product: The Information Center!  Members having the ability to have an information specialist research their topic is a great benefit. Favorite Foundation conference/event moment: Attending the 2013 CEBS conferment ceremony in Boston as an official CEBS graduate. Benefits related topics that interest her most: Benefit communication—helping employers understand what employees want and the way they want it communicated to them. Personal insight: Anne may spend her days in the International Foundation employee benefits library, patiently researching answers to member questions—but after work, she’s ready to move with a bike, hike or walk in the great outdoors.

3 thoughts on “How COBRA Interacts With HSAs, HRAs and FSAs

  1. Karen Mangino

    My question is about HRA funding and Cobra.

    If the employee and his dependents upon separation of service are enrolled in a HRA medical plan where the company funds part of the deductible the employee is offered to continue the medical coverage as well as the funding through COBRA with a premium.

    But the employee does not elect COBRA coverage for themselves but the spouse and dependents elect to continue coverage through COBRA must the same funding be offered to the spouse and/or dependent?

  2. Jean Allred

    I have been under Cobra for 9 months. July 1st my former employer “health plan sponsor” elected to drop the Cobra HSA-qualified medical plan I was under. Is this legal for them to force me to change plan type and are my HSA contributions going to be considered “overpayments” from IRS? This doesn’t seem legal. Did I mention that the only way I discovered this is my MD office called me today to say that my Insurance would not cover my office visit next week. Then I had to navigate the COBRA company changes (my cobra payment was scheduled for tomorrow as a direct deposit). None of this seems appropriate…

  3. C Meyer

    My employment terminated 07/01/2020 but I had a balance in my FSA so I elected to continue in the FSA through the end of 2020. Can I still contribute to a HSA for 2020? If so, do I have to prorate the amount that I can contribute or can it be the full $4,550 (I am over 50)

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