
OMG . . . Let Me Take a Selfie with That SPD!

Justin Held, CEBS

By: Justin Held, CEBS,​ and Neil Mrkvicka​​​​​​ This week, the International Foundation is releasing Employee Benefits Survey: 2014, its fourth survey in the benchmarking series. As members of the Foundation’s Research Department, we enjoyed discussing the array of offerings included in the survey. Here’s what we think […]

Keys to Successful Financial Education Programs

Neil Mrkvicka

By: Neil M​rkvicka​ Seeing the workplace financial education trend, but not sure whether to hop on? The International Foundation’s new study titled, A Closer Look: What’s Working in Workplace Financial Education shows successful programs produce less stressed workforces and reveals best practices from […]

Clap Along If You Know What Happiness Is to You . . . and the Role Money Plays

Neil Mrkvicka

By: Neil Mrkvicka​ There appears to be a growing trend in the employee benefits world of organizations providing financial wellness education. Their goal is to increase the financial savings and security of their workers because they tend to view happier, less-stressed employees as […]