
Generational Workforce Preferences Mean Serious Business

Kathy Bergstrom, CEBS

I’m always fascinated by discussions of the different age groups in the workplace and whether I fit the generational mold. But for employers facing a shortage of skilled workers, it’s actually serious business. “Generational cohort is a key predictor of what employees […]

Retirement Insecurity—First Steps to Reverse the Trend

As a communications professional who works in the employee benefits world, I never stop encountering dismal reports on the saving habits of Americans. The data is everywhere—and it’s overwhelming. People aren’t saving for retirement and those who are aren’t saving enough. As […]

Retirement Plans Increase Security

Julie Stich, CEBS

Workers and retirees in the United States are saying they’re a bit more confident about their prospects in retirement—the confidence numbers are up in 2015 since hitting lows between 2009 and 2013—even though there aren’t many signs that they’re taking steps to […]

What the Cromnibus Law Means for Multiemployer Pension Plans

Julie Stich, CEBS

By: Julie Stich, CEBS On December 13, 2014, Congress passed the Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPRA) as part of the federal spending “cromnibus” bill, the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015. The multiemployer defined benefit pension reform provisions were introduced […]

Most Appreciated, Most Successful and Most Unique Benefits

Justin Held, CEBS

By: Justin Held, CEBS Which offered benefit is the most appreciated or loved? Which benefit is the most successful with regard to engaging, attracting and retaining talent? Which benefit offering is the most unique? The International Foundation’s soon-to-be-released 2014 Employee Benefits Survey, […]