Flexible Work Options

Family-Friendly Benefits—How Do You Measure Up?

From extended paid maternity leave to breast milk shipping on the company’s tab, employers nationwide are embracing new and innovative family-friendly benefits. The International Foundation’s latest report, Employee Benefits Survey 2016, examines the many ways employers are creating a family-friendly culture in […]

Generational Workforce Preferences Mean Serious Business

Kathy Bergstrom, CEBS

I’m always fascinated by discussions of the different age groups in the workplace and whether I fit the generational mold. But for employers facing a shortage of skilled workers, it’s actually serious business. “Generational cohort is a key predictor of what employees […]

Small Businesses Score Big on Benefits Satisfaction

Neil Mrkvicka

In honor of Small Business Week, our research team took a dive back in to data from our Employee Benefits Survey: 2014 to identify how small employers are designing their benefits packages compared to their peers. For the following analysis and discussion, data from […]

OMG . . . Let Me Take a Selfie with That SPD!

Justin Held, CEBS

By: Justin Held, CEBS,​ and Neil Mrkvicka​​​​​​ This week, the International Foundation is releasing Employee Benefits Survey: 2014, its fourth survey in the benchmarking series. As members of the Foundation’s Research Department, we enjoyed discussing the array of offerings included in the survey. Here’s what we think […]

Most Appreciated, Most Successful and Most Unique Benefits

Justin Held, CEBS

By: Justin Held, CEBS Which offered benefit is the most appreciated or loved? Which benefit is the most successful with regard to engaging, attracting and retaining talent? Which benefit offering is the most unique? The International Foundation’s soon-to-be-released 2014 Employee Benefits Survey, […]