Financial Education

7 Questions That Will Make You a Retirement Hero

Ensuring that American workers are financially set for retirement is a passion for those of us involved in the International Foundation Retirement Security Initiative. When a friend announces he or she is retiring, we quickly ask “But WAIT!!! How much do you have […]

Retirement Insecurity—First Steps to Reverse the Trend

As a communications professional who works in the employee benefits world, I never stop encountering dismal reports on the saving habits of Americans. The data is everywhere—and it’s overwhelming. People aren’t saving for retirement and those who are aren’t saving enough. As […]

How Would You Rate Your Overall Well-Being? [Infographic]

This National Employee Benefits Day we encouraged you take a look at your health—not just your physical health, but your overall well-being encompassing body, mind, wallet, community and work. It’s easy to think of “being healthy” as being physically fit, and physical […]