Three panelists offered their views during a recent International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans webcast, “Post-Election Pensions and Benefits Outlook: What to Expect.” Panelists said Justin Trudeau, prime minister-designate, and the new majority party will move forward on many campaign promises, including […]
Kathy Bergstrom, CEBS
Editor, Publications at the International Foundation
Favorite Foundation service/product: Benefits Magazine and Plans & Trusts
Benefits related topics that interest her most: Financial literacy, health and wellness programs
Favorite Foundation conference moment: Hearing attendees sing “O, Canada” at Canadian Annual in addition to hearing the anthem sung in both French and English.
Personal Insight: Whether she’s collecting information for a magazine story or hanging out with her family and friends, you know Kathy is fully engaged. Her listening ear and introspective nature provide reassuring presence to those enjoying her company.
The writer has 123 posts