Justin Held, CEBS

Associate Director, Research and Education at the International Foundation

Favorite Foundation Service: Foundation Research Surveys


Benefits Related Topics That Interest Him Most: Behavioral economics, socially responsible investing, apprenticeship training


Personal Insight: Justin loves everything baseball, visiting and checking off ballparks as he travels. In this free time, he enjoys hiking at national parks, cycling and reading about U.S. history.

The writer has 97 posts

The Multiemployer Retirement Plan Landscape: DB Takeaways

Justin Held, CEBS

According to recent data from Horizon Actuarial Services, LLC and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, the fifteen-year period between 2006 and 2020 was turbulent for multiemployer defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Financial markets were volatile, and 2008 saw the biggest […]

Foundation Survey Results–Focus on Mental Health Initiatives in Apprenticeship Programs

Justin Held, CEBS

The International Foundation just released Top Trends in Apprenticeship Programs—2024 Survey Results, the 8th iteration of their apprenticeship program benchmarking survey. In addition to focusing on trends, such as individual and program challenges, life skills, and partnerships, this iteration takes a deep […]

New Survey Results—Top Trends in Apprenticeship Programs

Justin Held, CEBS

While already struggling to replace retiring tradespeople, apprenticeship programs are dealing with a host of new challenges related to external competition and internal challenges. Despite these hurdles, stakeholders say apprenticeship programs are successful overall, and they are anticipating a positive hiring outlook […]

The State of Multiemployer Health Plans: Ten Takeaways

Justin Held, CEBS

The median cost of benefits for multiemployer health plans increased 4.7% from 2017 to 2018, reaching $11,642 per participant per year (PPPY), according to a new International Foundation report. The consistent increases in costs over the ten-year period required increases in employer […]

Four Benefits That Increase Worker Productivity

Justin Held, CEBS

In a recent International Foundation wellness survey, respondents were asked about company culture issues that are impacting workforce productivity. Far and away, the most cited issue was worker stress. Another commonly cited issue was poor work-life balance. Responding organizations are recognizing the […]

Looking to Improve Retention? These 15 Wellness Offerings May Do the Trick.

Justin Held, CEBS

The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans has surveyed benefits practitioners about their workplace wellness initiatives for more than a decade. Over this period, benefits have evolved from time-tested offerings like physical fitness, nutrition and health-screening initiatives to include mental and behavioral […]