Each month on Talking Benefits I join Julie Stich, Kelli Kolsrud and Justin Held, International Foundation benefits nerdthusiasts, to discuss a trending employee benefits topic we think our listeners want to know more about.

Summer is wrapping up, kids are finding their way back into the classroom and some workers might be heading back to school as well. We spent this episode talking about education benefits like tuition reimbursement programs and student loan repayment assistance. Because higher education costs are skyrocketing, we also discussed ways organizations can help support employees batting student loan debt, such as financial education.
We had the opportunity to interview one employer with a program in place to help workers both save for retirement and pay down their student loans: Abbott in Lake Bluff, Illinois. Abbot’s Executive Vice President for Human Resources Mary Moreland gave us the inside scoop on their Freedom 2 Save Program and how it received the now-famous IRS Private Letter Ruling in 2018—an interview you won’t want to miss.
Strap on your backpack, ready your headphones and tune in to hear the latest on tuition reimbursement and student loan repayment benefits.
Looking for even more details on educational benefits like tuition reimbursement and student loan repayment? Check out the Foundation’s newest report: Education Benefits: 2019 Survey Results. Free for members!
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[Related Reading: A Deep Dive Into Student Loan Repayment Assistance Benefits]

Anne Patterson
Social Marketing and Communications Strategist at the International Foundation

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