retirement security

Three Steps Plan Sponsors Can Take to Bolster Retirement Security

Robbie Hartman, CEBS

The retirement security of defined contribution (DC) plan members is greatly influenced by their saving and investment choices as well as the timing and performance of financial markets. But plan sponsors and trustees still have an opportunity to positively influence the retirement […]

Three Steps to Reduce Plan Costs and Improve Retirement Security

Three Steps to Reduce Plan Costs and Improve Retirement Security

Robbie Hartman, CEBS

Plan sponsors have long provided education on the magic of compound interest as a powerful force for retirement readiness. But most plan members—and even many plan sponsors—forget about the flip side of that coin: the long-term impact of compounding costs from investment […]

4 Tips to Improve Your Employees' Retirement Security

4 Tips to Increase Your Employees’ Retirement Security

Wondering why your communication isn’t more effective in helping workers make better financial decisions? Or what you can do differently to encourage employees to improve their retirement security? This National Employee Benefits Day—celebrated on April 2, 2018—we are encouraging plan sponsors to […]

Retirement Insecurity—First Steps to Reverse the Trend

As a communications professional who works in the employee benefits world, I never stop encountering dismal reports on the saving habits of Americans. The data is everywhere—and it’s overwhelming. People aren’t saving for retirement and those who are aren’t saving enough. As […]