mental health

A New Demand for Workplace Wellness Programs As Employees Struggle

Anne Patterson

Workers faced new or heightened challenges to their physical, mental and financial well-being over the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of those challenges are still lingering. Workplace wellness benefits were forced to evolve from time-tested offerings like physical fitness, nutrition and health screening […]

8 Ways to Support Employees With Mental Health Challenges

Cara McMullin

As Mental Health Awareness Month (in the U.S.) continues, we’re sharing strategies and approaches to help leaders respond to employees with mental illness in a psychologically safe way. When employees have mental illnesses, effective accommodation can help them stay productive at work. Leaders […]

Five Steps to Reducing Mental Health Stigma at Your Workplace

Anne Patterson

Stigma can be one of the greatest barriers to psychological health and safety in the workplace, especially for employees with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Eliminating stigma while increasing mental health awareness can support employees to seek help sooner, […]

96% of Workers Are Stressed: How Employers Can Help

Cara McMullin

April is Stress Awareness Month. As the pandemic continues and employers report high levels of stress in the workforce, the International Foundation’s Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits survey report reveals informative data on challenges and solutions facing organizations across the […]

International Foundation Survey Research Studies: Benchmarking Stats You Can Use

Justin Held, CEBS

Those working in the employee benefits industry are facing a landscape that changes daily. The International Foundation’s research team takes trending topics, from paid leave to financial education and mental health, and provides in-depth coverage of employer responses through survey reports. The […]

Mental Health and COVID-19 Challenges in Apprenticeship Programs – New Survey Reveals Issues and Solutions

Cara McMullin

Apprenticeships play an essential role in the development of a highly trained workforce. Today, apprenticeship programs face new challenges while building on their successes, according to recent survey results from the International Foundation. The 2022 report Top Trends in Apprenticeship Programs reveals […]