Health Care

Using Spousal Surcharges and Carve-Outs as Health Cost Management Strategies

Anne Newhouse, CEBS

With open enrollment right around the corner, employers are already contemplating strategies to help lower their health plan costs. Spousal surcharges or carve-outs are two options, but how prevalent are they? Surcharge vs. Carve-Out A spousal surcharge is an additional employee contribution […]

Magazine Extra: How to Avoid the Contract Confusion of Gag Clause Compliance

Guest Contributor

Benefits Magazine Extra articles provide you with bonus content on a mix of benefits topics as well as deep dives and analyses on the latest benefit trends and compliance issues. Visit to see the latest Benefits Magazine Extras as well as the bimonthly print edition.  Group […]

Magazine Extra: The Challenges of Long COVID—And Benefit Design Strategies That Can Help

Guest Contributor

Benefits Magazine Extras articles provide you with bonus content on a mix of benefits topics as well as deep dives and analysis on the latest benefit trends and compliance issues. Visit to see the latest Magazine Extra as well as the bimonthly print edition. […]