I was a lucky kid, one with a great support system of family and friends who celebrated with me through each success and picked me up and encouraged me through the bumps in the road.

If you are like me, you likely find that as an adult, working toward goals typically feels a little more lonely. So I am here to cheer you on.

If you’re reading this blog, you’ve probably already started earning your CEBS or you’re seriously considering enrolling in your first course. And to that, I say “you are awesome”! Not only are you holding your own, but you are looking to take it to the next level.

Family. Friends. Work. Home.  Some days you may feel it is a lot, but the majority of days you handle it like no one else. When you add professional development courses to your to-do list, it’s normal to get a little discouraged at times, but don’t lose hope in yourself.

awesomeBe proud of working to gain the knowledge you need to move ahead. Feel empowered by the fact that you are actively working on your future success. And smile as you think about how you’ll feel as you celebrate reaching your CEBS goal.

Feels pretty good to take a step back and realize the great strides you are making, right?

Don’t stop now, keep moving—

And don’t forget that there are a lot of us right there with you who form a great network for questions, support and advice. Check out the CEBS Facebook, Twitter (#CEBSProgram #awesome) and LinkedIn pages. You’ll be happy to hear the advice and encouragement your peers have to offer, because your CEBS connections are awesome, just like you.

Rachel Oliver
Marketing Specialist, CEBS at the International Foundation

Rachel Oliver

Marketing Specialist, CEBS

4 thoughts on “Searching for Your Awesome? Just Add CEBS

  1. Hilary

    Thank you for this post, Rachel – I have my final CEBS exam in mid-July and sometimes the motivation for this “last mile” is elusive – Thanks for the inspiration to make it to the finish!

    1. Rachel Oliver

      Hi Hilary, my best to you on your final exam! What a great accomplishment. You can do it!

  2. Laura Earley

    Go, Hilary! Good luck with your final exam! I finished my CEBS in 1999, and when I got done with my last exam, I sat in my car and cried tears of joy that it was finally over. But looking back, it is the best thing I ever did for myself! 🙂 You can do it!

  3. Janice Scherwitz

    Despite the panic before every exam and the tears when I was unsuccessful, one of my proudest accomplishments was finally achieving my CEBS. It is something I wanted for a long time and has been invaluable to me in my career. To Hilary and all the hard-working CEBS candidates out there – you can do it! Those of us who came before salute your efforts and are here to laugh and cry with you. Benefit geeks have to stick together, after all!

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