Making Mindfulness a Priority

Of course your employees want to be 100% focused on each of the many tasks waiting to be tackled. BUT—They have to-do lists to conquer, projects to complete—and too few hours in the day! However, adding mindfulness exercises to their already-too-busy day is possible.

Making MIndfulness a Workplace Priority

If you are concerned that incorporating mindfulness into your staff’s day will jeopardize your time lines, continue reading. The International Foundation has compiled a list of resources just for you!

Read, watch and listen with this tool kit on everything related to mindfulness. The data suggests that as your employees become more mindful, productivity within your organization is likely to increase, resulting in reduced stress levels and happier, healthier employees.

Mindfulness Tool KitDownload the MIndfulness Tool Kit

Adding a mindfulness training program to your current wellness efforts may bring some well-deserved breaths and inner freedom to your organization’s multitaskers. For more information on wellness topics like this, please visit the Workplace Wellness page of the International Foundation website.

Teri Dougherty, CEBS
Supervisor, Content Services


Learn More: Workforce Wellness E-Learning Course

Related Reading: 55 Wellness Initiatives for Your Workplace

Teri Dougherty, CEBS

Favorite Foundation service/product:  Today’s Headlines. Teri loves getting to read all of the day’s benefits news as part of her job. Favorite Foundation conference experience: A week well spent attending the Essentials of Multiemployer Trust Fund Administration—The collection of speakers were so good she had no problem giving the program a 10 on the evaluation. Benefits related topics that interest her most:  Everything wellness. Personal insight: No worries of a distracted conversation with Teri—her idea of multitasking is combining a good talk and laugh mixed with physical activity. From a lunchtime walk to swimming across a lake, she’s always on the move with a friend nearby. 

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