Plan Sponsors Can Self-Correct Some Violations of ERISA—Here’s Where to Start 

Jenny Gartman, CEBS

The Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (VFCP) encourages employers and plan sponsors to voluntarily correct certain violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). For certain categories of eligible transactions, the Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) intends for […]

Fiduciary Basics for Governmental Plans

Amanda Wilke, CEBS

Plan sponsors have a responsibility to protect the interests of employee and retiree participants in their benefit plans. Government plan sponsors for 457 and 401(a) defined contribution (DC) retirement plans should be aware of fiduciary basics and the latest trends to protect […]

Understanding ERISA Liability in the Context of Pharmacy Benefits

Anne Newhouse, CEBS

Fiduciary responsibility has always been a concern for retirement plans governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The language on the Department of Labor (DOL) Fiduciary Responsibilities webpage explains, “The primary responsibility of fiduciaries is to run the […]