Catching up on the latest employee benefits updates—Are they are light read or a page turner? Looking back on the developments over the last month, you’ll likely go with the latter. Dive into the newest episode of the Talking Benefits podcast. This […]
If you were presented with 100 days to work with, what would you try to accomplish? Train for a marathon? Cook your way through Julia Child’s The Art of French Cooking: Volume 1? Maybe it’s finally watching all five seasons of Breaking […]
It’s May 4th and, to some, it just means you’re one day closer to the weekend. But for Star Wars fans like Talking Benefits host, Julie Stich, add one little preposition to that date and it becomes an unofficial, international holiday. May […]
Spring is in the air. Birds singing, temperatures rising, baseball season in full swing . . . and a whole new crop of benefits developments have been popping up. International Foundation resident benefits gurus Julie, Kelli and Justin are back to talk […]
The past few weeks have delivered a few more hints on how benefit plans may be impacted by developments in Washington. Despite the fog, one thing is clear—Changing benefits-related laws and regulations is quite complicated. In this month’s Talking Benefits podcast episode, […]
Does your benefit appeal process feel like it’s on cruise control? It might be time for a tune up. In light of an increase in participant litigation and heightened DOL enforcement efforts, it is imperative that plans ensure their procedures and policies […]
Whether or not you’re feeling the love this Valentine’s Day (I’ve hit my head too many times on hanging heart decorations and eaten too much chocolate already), we can celebrate the International Foundation products and services our members love having access to, […]
The future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remains uncertain, but employee benefit plan sponsors should be alert for compliance issues that aren’t going away. Scott Segal addressed common compliance errors during his presentation “Employee Benefits Compliance ‘Hot Topics’” during the 26th […]
Naturally, we love to talk benefits here at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. So when a couple of our resident benefits gurus started presenting a monthly benefits update for staff, the word got out. Each month, the audience (a.k.a. staffers […]
President Trump’s January 20 executive order directed his administration to take steps to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Because ACA is law, the executive action itself cannot repeal the law. It essentially just made repealing ACA a priority. Even though it’s […]