Health Care

Open Enrollment 2020: Employers Explore New Ways to Communicate Benefits

Anne Patterson

As if open enrollment wasn’t already challenging, 2020 is throwing employers and employees for a loop. The latest International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans survey report, Trends in Benefit Open Enrollment and Communication, asked U.S. employers about pandemic-related changes impacting staff communication […]

Open Enrollment Strategies in the Time of COVID-19

Open Enrollment Strategies in the Time of COVID-19

Anne Patterson

The International Foundation recently surveyed employers and plan sponsors about benefit communication for an upcoming report (watch for it soon—called Trends in Benefit Open Enrollment and Communication), and tons of responses came in about going virtual for open enrollment this year in […]

Latest COVID-19 Survey Shows Heightened Interest in Virtual Care

Latest COVID-19 Survey Shows Heightened Interest in Virtual Care

Alyssa Hodder, GBA

With the pandemic limiting Canadians’ ability to access much-needed healthcare services, many organizations are looking for alternatives. The Impact of COVID-19 on Pensions and Benefits in Canada survey, conducted in June by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, finds increased uptake […]