Tim Hennessy

Editor, at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans  Favorite Foundation Product: Plans & Trusts Benefits-related topics that interest him the most: retirement security and mental health Personal Insights: Tim enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, reading, writing, and running.

The writer has 16 posts

Capitalizing on Multi-Asset Credit Strategies in Uncertain Times

Tim Hennessy

Has your budget kept pace with the growing expense of your everyday needs? Are inflation, rising interest rates and market instability making you anxious? You’re not alone—Everything is more expensive and increasing interest rates and economic uncertainty add additional complexity for investors […]

The Perfect Storm Facing Canada’s Rapidly Aging Population: An Interview with Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, Ph.D.

Tim Hennessy

In an interview in the March/April issue of Plans & Trusts, actuary Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, Ph.D., FCIA, FSA, called for new policies and practices to address the multiple challenges and opportunities facing Canada’s long-term care model. MacDonald, the director of financial security research […]

Communicating DEI: Five Critical Questions

Tim Hennessy

Many companies have made progressive changes to their approach in recruiting, hiring and management to make the workplace an environment where everyone can succeed. While diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) have long been valued by employees looking for a sense of belonging […]