Health Care

Talking Benefits Episode 4: Benefits Curveballs

Spring is in the air. Birds singing, temperatures rising, baseball season in full swing . . . and a whole new crop of benefits developments have been popping up. International Foundation resident benefits gurus Julie, Kelli and Justin are back to talk […]

Compliance Checkup—ACA, SPD, COBRA

Kathy Bergstrom, CEBS

The future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remains uncertain, but employee benefit plan sponsors should be alert for compliance issues that aren’t going away. Scott Segal addressed common compliance errors during his presentation “Employee Benefits Compliance ‘Hot Topics’” during the 26th […]

Talking Benefits—Legislative Limbo

Naturally, we love to talk benefits here at the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. So when a couple of our resident benefits gurus started presenting a monthly benefits update for staff, the word got out. Each month, the audience (a.k.a. staffers […]